How to Make Homemade Willow Bark Tea for Pain Relief

We everyday often feel pain in certain parts, so we need proper treatment so as not to disturb our daily activities.

Maybe one of them is to make drinks like tea from willow wood to relieve the pain.

What is Willow Bark Tea?

Willow bark tea is a hot drink made from steeping white willow bark in hot water. White willow bark that tastes bitter contains salicylic acid and salicin, making it an herbal equivalent to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).

A report on willow bark by the Milton Hershey PSH Health Center revealed that salicin has pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.

In fact, in the 1800s, salicin was used to make aspirin.


4 tsp white willow bark
2 cups water filtered
1 cinnamon stick optional
2 tsp honey optional


1. You can buy white willow bark from health stores. Follow the package instructions to store it properly.
Benefits Willow Bark Tea
2. In a saucepan, take water and white willow bark. Boil it for 5-10 minutes. Turn the heat off.
3. Let the willow bark steep for an additional 20-30 minutes. You can add a cinnamon stick in it for additional flavor.
4. Strain the tea in teacups. The tea is bitter-tasting and you can use honey to sweeten it.
Make Homemade Willow Bark Tea


The benefits
This herbal tea is mainly used to get relief from joint aches, aches in the body. In addition, we also see the many health benefits of drinking willow bark tea for the health and fitness of our bodies.

Natural Analgesic

Willow bark tea is primarily known for its analgesic properties and is used quite often to treat headaches. A 2014 report in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews suggests that daily doses of white willow bark, equivalent to 120 mg to 240 mg salicin, are better than placebo for short-term improvements in pain and rescue medication.

Also, willow bark extracts are included as an ingredient in sports performance and weight loss products for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Side Effects

Before using any herbs, always check with your doctor or a certified experienced herbalist. Common side effects include:
1. Increase in blood pressure
2. Gastrointestinal problems
3. Allergic reactions